CF=6 SN=1 Races=1 Classes=1 Min and Max levels are observed Only legal classes are Futureshifted Races legal are not divide by 1.0 Race adjectives legal are not divide by 1.0 Spells legal are 5e and written on class Psi freq legal are from my site. All others not allowed even if it says you know it Spells legal are from my site and only what you know Familiars/GGL are my site only Player Pick: 1/d: Ignore the max level rule for one [spell, power, innate/class/race ability, or item] effect this segment. gp=Sanity*20 3/24/22 Kxp: 5.58 DL=1 Avenged Sevenfold - The Stage (SL=5): Legend Lore one aspect of the dungeon room you are in as written by The Stage. AFI - Single Second (SL=N): 1bM: Delay a SEL=N negative status effect by N segments. Jimi Hendrix - The National Anthem (SL=N): One group rolls a morale check at xN DC and if failed won't attack or special at you. Ozzy Osborne - Bark at the Moon (SL=3): Mouth's P: All targets in a group are SEL=3 Paralyzed (Fort save). 3/31/22 Kxp: 32.48 DL=2 Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized (SN=5): One group sent to another room and can't return to this room (no save if group is young). The Band - Stage Fright (SN=8): Can only be cast 1/d. Force a dungeon room to repopulate itself with the same monsters, tricks, traps, specials, treasure, etc. This does not populate [NPC], [SB], [B], etc. 4/07/22 Kxp: DL=3